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We are here to provide a solution for you your questions relates to Electrical and Power. Our effort to conserve Energy and Power.


1. Are You Satisfied With Your Electricity Bill against Electrical Consumption?

We Analysis of all your electrical fitting which you install at your place also we do Analysis of current consumption & Compare it with your electricity bill. If there is any discrepancy or wrong billing issues with electricity bill we will resolve those issue with our expertness. We will also solve any electrical and power related problem on top priority. We also do monthly checking of all electrical parameters for uninterrupted running of your organization.

2. How Much Unit Generated By Your Solar?

We do analysis of your Solar system i.e. how many units generated by your solar system in a month & Compare it with your Import & Export Billing, if there is problem/discrepancy we resolve that issue with our expertise, Also we offer regular panel cleaning for your solar plant for better unit generation.

3. Is Your Diesel Generator Ready For Electrical Break-Down?

We do analysis of your generator for proper working. Rectify if there is any problem also check generator running hours in a month against total diesel consumption and total power generation.

4. Is your Battery gives sufficient backup?

We do Analysis of battery status i.e. - water level, battery life, load on battery, etc also it is very important to check consumptions against charging & load.

5. Is the earthing working at its full capacity to protect your electronics equipment?

Correct earthing is essential for all those expensive equipments to keep doing their perfect job at full capacity. We give full attension and take responsibility of care. Mistakes in earthining can give you financial and mental problems.